Women who have just finished giving birth will immediately enter the puerperium. This period begins when the woman has removed the placenta and continues until a few weeks later. The puerperium generally lasts up to six weeks after giving birth. In these six weeks, a woman's body will experience changes, i.e. adaptation from the period of pregnancy and childbirth, until gradually returning to the state as before pregnancy. Most women do not know the recovery process experienced by the body during the puerperium. In fact, it is important to know in order to take proper care after giving birth. Body Conditions after Childbirth After giving birth, you can feel very tired and feel pain. The body generally takes 6-8 weeks to heal, and it may take even longer if you have a cesarean delivery. Then what happens to a woman's body after giving birth? There are at least five organs directly affected by a normal birth. Vagina The vagina, which has increased blood flow and swel...